South Dakota Ice Fish Houses Must Be Removed by March 1
Punxsutawney Phil saw didn't see his shadow earlier this month. So that means an early spring and time to get stuff off the ice, if it hasn't melted already.
South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks announced that fish houses must be off the ice before March 1. To get really technical, you have until 11:59:59 pm on February 29, 2020 to get it off the ice.
My family and I went to the Black Hills over Presidents Day weekend and on the way it was a mildly eerie sight when we crossed the Missouri. Lake Francis Case at Chamberlain was well frozen towards the western shore. But the river was flowing towards the eastern shore. In between was a few hundred yards of the sketchiest ice one could imagine.
If the ice is good enough where your fish house is you can enjoy it until Saturday night.