Costco WIll Not Regularly Sell This Popular Item Anymore
In this day and age we know that things come and go, and especially if you are a Costco shopper. You probably have noticed that they tend to move things around the store every now and again. You might go into the store to get something that you normally know right where it is located, and WHOOPS! Where is it? That recently happened to me with the tortilla chips. I walked around the snack aisle for quite a few minutes before I realized that they were moved by the refrigerated items. Makes sense. That's right were you should be looking for tortilla chips.

There is a reason they move things around
It's not to annoy shoppers, even though that might be the result in some cases, it's actually to get shoppers to see more of the store, and to check some other things out.
I thought maybe that was the case when I saw this news.
Costco is planning to eliminate one whole section of their staple items.
Books. If you have been to Costco, almost anywhere, towards the middle of the store, near where most of the clothing is located, you will find a whole section that has books, games, puzzles, etc. These are going away from the majority of their stores.
They are not going to be eliminated forever, but will only be available during the holidays. From September to December, which is the time when they are most popular. The reason Costco is eliminating this section from most of their stores is a bit interesting. They take too long to place in the store.
So, from this news, expect to see that section here in St. Cloud to be filled with something else after the beginning of the year.
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