Dakota State Gets New Beacom Institue and Millions in Funding
Dakota State University made the announcement yesterday that their highly esteemed cyber security programs were moving forward with greater momentum, with the launch of the Beacom Institute of Technology Building and programs, thanks to the generous donations of several South Dakotans.
Secretary of State Shantel Krebs was at the announcement. “Unbelievable announcement for my alma mater Dakota State University, the same day this new Beacom Institute of Technology building opened, a gift from my good friends Miles and Lisa Beacom along with Denny Sanford.”
Governor Dennis Daugaard tweeted:
The new Beacom College of Computer and Cyber Sciences at @DakotaState will be known as a world leader in cybersecurity.
The $30 million dollar gift from Miles and Lisa Beacom along with Denny Sanford, was matched by $30 million in state and federal funds will all be used for Dakota State University in Madison and their programs on national cybersecurity education.
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